Enrol Now for Kindy 2026

Corpus Christi: Nurturing the Whole Child

Enrolling your Kindy child for a brighter future

If you are enrolling for Kindy 2026, we are currently accepting applications and will be conducting interviews from Term One.

Discover why Corpus has earned its unique reputation of being ‘big enough to matter; small enough to care’. Corpus is a school of the perfect proportions: it provides extensive academic and leadership opportunities (including gifted and talented), whilst fostering each student’s wellbeing and offering a personalised learning journey.

Corpus welcomes students and families of all backgrounds and faiths. Corpus has a strong school spirit and has a welcoming, nurturing community. There is also a strong family tradition of attending Corpus, with many returning generations of children/grandchildren, thus there being a wonderful community family spirit.

Please note that enrolment positions for 2026 and beyond are subject to availability. We endeavour to maintain favourable class sizes and teaching ratios, thereby enhancing student outcomes.