Corpus Christi School is a Catholic School in the Diocese of Broken Bay. The purpose of the Catholic Schools in the Diocese is expressed in the diocesan mission statement.
Catholic Schools in the Broken Bay Diocese exist to educate and form young people in Catholic discipleship: offering them experiences of following Jesus as members of a Catholic Community.
The Mission of the Broken Bay Diocese is:
We the Catholic Church of Broken Bay are, through Baptism, a community of disciples of Jesus. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to work together to extend the Kingdom of God.
We will:
- PROCLAIM the Good News of Jesus in our words and actions
- RESPOND personally to God’s unique love for each of us
- LIVE WITH EACH OTHER in the love of Jesus
- CELEBRATE and share our Catholic faith and life experience
- EDUCATE our people in our Catholic story and beliefs and their implication for our lives
- SERVE each other, the community and all creation in justice and love
- SEEK UNITY with our fellow Christians and meaningful dialogue with people of all faiths
Our Vision
Corpus Christi Catholic School is committed to providing a quality education that celebrates diversity and challenges individuals to develop and share their gifts in a supportive and stimulating environment.
As disciples of Jesus and in partnership with our families, parish and the broader faith community, we work for the service of others, encouraging a commitment to justice and a call to action.